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BCTC offers Blockchain Financial Application Evaluation

Date: Jul-31-2020

In 2018, BCTC built the consortium chain test and assessment plan regarding the main block-chain technical architecture. The assessment is conducted to comprehensive aspects of smart contract, account data, consensus mechanism, and PPN communication, etc., such as functionality, stability, security, and so on. BCTC also built a Blockchain Evaluation System which is based on the cloud platform, to realize the automated evaluation and analysis of the underlying platform of the blockchain, ensuring the stability and efficiency of the testing process.


Relying on Blockchain Technology research results and evaluation capabilities, BCTC offers Technical Evaluation and consulting services to the industry. BCTC can comprehensively evaluate the security, stability, and functionality of Blockchain Financial Applications. Hope to work with our clients to promote the standardized application of blockchain technology in the financial field.


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