Why Is Blockchain Testing Important?
Unlike most data structures, once a smart contract is deployed to the blockchain, changes can not be made, so ensuring the efficacy of a contract is very important. It’s up to our engineers to perform comprehensive and custom sets of tests to make sure that mistakes, which cannot be fixed, are identified and mitigated.
When a defect is discovered in production the smart contract can’t be updated or rolled back, and a new version of the smart contract must be created and deployed. These new versions have to be manually created by applying the previous data into the new contract - an endeavor costly in time and resources for business leaders.
Blockchain Testing
Our engineers face a unique set of challenges when testing blockchain applications and smart contacts due to them being relatively new and evolving at a rapid pace. A few of the most common challenges that teams encounter are:
Blockchain transactions are Irreversible: Implementing blockchain without the utmost care is risky to organizations and their users because of the transactions being irreversible. Not having controls in place to avoid redundancy and provide additional safety measures is one of the most common challenges teams encounter.